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IX webhosting & 2009.08.20 BIG site problems.

2009.08.20 BIG site problems.

Ticket #1084885 Details
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Ticket #1084885 History
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Brad D., Fri Aug 21 14:28:25 2009
Here you go Vic. If you see anything else please feel free to add anything else to the ticket that you see needs to be dealt with.

Customer is having an issue out of his Word Press. These are his issues:

1) will redirect to but only if you go to / You will see ther redirect there.

What he is doing to fix the issue:

Deleting the database associated with Word Press and reinstalling a fresh copy.

Deleting Word Press completely and reinstalling a fresh updated version of Word Press.

Thanks Vic

Brad Tech Support

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Victor, Lovan, Sat Aug 22 19:58:08 2009 Subject changed from Wordpress issue to Database server and SSL issue Ticket re-opened
Victor, Lovan, Sat Aug 22 20:02:46 2009
I have also figured out that the SSL for is not automatically redirecting the site to make the whole site secure. I have had that working longer even than the change to WordPress. I am now more than before convinced that the issue lies on your end and not with WordPress. I tried to wipe out the site and reinstall a fresh version of WordPress and that did nothing. 2009.08.22 8pm Central Time.
Alex N., Sun Aug 23 09:32:56 2009 Ticket Status was changed from Open to Resolved
Dear Victor, Thank you for using our services.

I have investigated the issue with wordpress redirect and was able to reproduce it. Probably you moved the wordpress application from another domain ( to this one ( Redirect is stored in database. Please check your wp_options table in unclebi_viclovan database, because I have found "" entries in this table. Please contact with your web developer and adjust the options. Then the issue should be fixed.

Regarding https:// redirect, please let us know where the redirect was set, then we will assist you further. Also we may set redirect in the code. It will redirect your website to secure version. For wordpress applcation you should configure SSL redirect by yourself.

Sincerely yours, Alex Nadtoka (Mr.) CR Department.

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Victor, Lovan, Sun Aug 23 19:45:46 2009 Ticket re-opened
I have already talked to 2009.08.20 Jen or Katrina, Shawn, Josh, 2009.08.21, Brad 2009.08.22 Sat - Jeremy.

Starting on 2009.08.20 (Aug 20, 2009) after 930am the sites went down.

I know this because the RSS feeds were still working until then and I was able to get them via Google Reader. I did the upgrades to the WordPress 2.8.4 and a couple of plugins on Monday 2009.08.17. The sites all functioned perfectly after that until 2009.08.20. After that point the WordPress was broken as well as the "https / SSL" for There should be NO redirecting from one domain to another other than to Also all of the sites that are,,,,, and all are using the files that are If I try to get to a page that is one of the WordPress pages in it is currently redirecting to and at that point it become encrypted with the SSL.

JRF I have started over with the jrussellflowers stuff and deleted the WordPress completly and tried to start over and that did work. Then I deleted the database, created a new database and re-uploaded/imported a backup I found and then re-uploaded the site files I had and got the site backup. I had to do the upgrades to the WordPress and the plugins. Then the JRF sites worked again.

In response to the post by the Alex Nadtoka (Mr.) CR Department. NO SUCH MOVE HAS OCCURRED. I have never moved files from one domain to another.

I am currently uploading databases to try again and also noticed that my .htaccess file has been changed.

Galina K., Sun Aug 23 19:47:19 2009 Ticket Category was changed from Comment to Technical

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Victor, Lovan, Mon Aug 24 02:49:26 2009 Category changed from Technical to Comment
I have already talked to 2009.08.20 Jen or Katrina, Shawn, Josh, 2009.08.21, Brad 2009.08.22 Sat - Jeremy, Jeremy 2009.08.23 Sun.

I took the same approach to the site that I did with the JRF site I mention in the previous post. The problem here is that there is a 2MB file size limit to uploads and my databases are above 10MB each already. This really needs to be changed. I use WordPress and can't even upload files without using ftp instead of just browsing for a file and uploading it from within WP. Because of this file size limit I had to call and have a tech at IX help with this. I spoke to Jeremy again, who was very helpful and patient. I had him delete the existing databases and then recreate databases with the same names and user info and then import the backups I had. Once this was done the sites worked again but the redirect from "http" to "https" is not done on the first load of the site like it was before. If someone typed in "" it would automatically go to "" and now it only goes to a "https" page after that first page visit.

I would still like to know what caused this issue in the first place and would like to get the file upload size raised. Two MB for a file upload is not very large these days, all of my photos are larger than that and video is even larger. This means that I have to ftp them up and then use a plugin to find the media. Also the hold time was 33minutes.